Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"In Time" for Great Fashion

"In time" movie that just came out is a must-see sci-fi  action packed thriller, and it left quite an impression on me last night. Even though it's year 2161, "the film contains many retro influences. Most of these influences are from the early 1960s to late 1970s, with a bit of 1980s thrown in." says the source. Particularly, I was fascinated by amazing "retro-futuristic" attire that the cast showcased during the entire film. I could totally see vintage influences in both female and male garments, thanks to brilliant costume designer Colleen Atwood. I got so inspired, that I'm about to draw a mini-collection based on the movie. Stay tuned...
PS. Justin Timberlake was stunning, while Amanda Seyfried was rocking like a sex bomb, and Russian super-model Sasha Pivovarova was also featured (as lady in golden dress)

via here and here


  1. Wow! Now I must see the movie! I have love for vintage and a great story. Thanks for posting this!
    Skinny Hugs!

  2. ah I haven't seen this I have to see it!! I have to watch it. and thank you so much for your super sweet comment, loving your blog! xo


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