Monday, February 13, 2012

DIY Heart Shaped Gift Wrapping

Good evening, loves!
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and we are certainly will be making efforts to connect with that special someone and shower him with some lovely things. And of course, love is all about giving and sharing! 
I learned an incredible technique of creative gift wrapping from my European friend and I thought I must share it with the world, and especially you, my lovely readers!
So, today I have prepared my gift for my lovely boyfriend and I wanted to make an extra sweet presentation and surprise him with a touch of "hearts". I have selected a bottle of his favorite wine and after I finished wrapping, the bottle has transformed itself into "Fireworks of Hearts", a totally unique appearance. I'm sure my sweety will be charmed!

What are you giving your loved one for this Valentine's? 
How does it feel to select something special for your Valentine?
Please enjoy your Valentine's Day and let it be filled with lots of love and happiness!!

And here's the tutorial with the special gift wrapping technique!
All images by DC2NYConfessions


  1. That's amazing, thanks for sharing, it's a great wrapping idea for a bottle! :) xx

  2. Wow, this is a very sweet and creative way of wrapping a bottle! I really like it, and it looks very lovely! Yay on giving gifts! I got my hubby a very cute shirt and sweater from J.Crew- he LOVES that store! LoL :)
    Hope you had a very sweet love-day!!!
    Good luck!


Thank you so much for reading and your lovely feedback! I read each and every comment of yours. And please come back for more!
