Friday, February 3, 2012

Look of the Day. Let's take a ride. Part 3

 Jacket: Diane von Furstenberg|Blouse& Belt& Purse: Michael Kors| Pants: designed and sewn by me|Shoes:Boutique9| Pin:Vintage
It's a continuation of the Menswear week, and as promised, I'm sharing  
my menswear inspired outfit of the day.
This week was especially perfect for the occasion as I was lucky to attend DC Auto Show, where newest latest and most sophisticated cars were presented. And since it's mostly boy's event to attend, I thought I should wear pants, a pair designed by me. I made these pants a while ago, and I couldn't find the occasion to wear them to.You probably noticed by now that I'm a skirt and dress kind of girl, so this ensemble is really outside my comfort zone.I really enjoyed wearing my outfit and I hope you liked it too.
Does it happen to you often that you wear something not particular to your usual style?
I can't wait to hear your feedback!


  1. О!Хоороший салон! Красивые машины для красивых девушек!

  2. love your style... and the hair so fab...just found your blog and I love it already! I am your newest follower!
    Greets from Ireland!
    xxx Marina

  3. Ok, I am not paying the attention to the cars because you're totally stealing the show!!! :) LOVE your look- the pants that you designed are really cool! I am glad to see you stepping out of your comfort zone. I do that quite a bit, it's a great way of finding your individual style and exploring the fashion. I find it very freeing that way.
    You look beautiful, and I can't wait to see more of your designs! :)
    Have a lovely week!
    Good luck!

  4. love your blog! So fantastic!


Thank you so much for reading and your lovely feedback! I read each and every comment of yours. And please come back for more!
