Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Menswear Illustrated. Part 2

Good evening, loves!
Tonight we go forward with the next post on menswear. This time I'll show you some of my personal illustrations created exclusively as part of my creative portfolio and showcased at finest design houses in New York. I have to make a confession, that since my graduation from design school I've been actively involved in mens contemporary sportswear market, and actually designed for quite famous brands in New York.
This week I'm taking the opportunity to share it with you. Hope you enjoy!
Can you guess what was my inspiration?

To Be Continued...
All above images are original illustrations. All above images are copyrighted material and the sole property of DC2NYConfessions.


  1. these are really nice illustrations, thanks for sharing
    hope you're having a great week

  2. OK, this is what I call STUNNING!!! You are incredibly talented, sweetie! I would guess your inspiration was a 20's/30's/ old-school preppy newspaper boy's outfit! The ones you can see in the movies- those boys delivering newspaper on their now vintage bicycles and wearing such preppy hats :) Beautiful illustrations! No wonder you've showcased your work for some famous brand designers!!! I have my crystal ball... I see a bright future for you, dear... :) LoL No, but seriously!
    Good luck!

  3. Молодец! Удачи!

  4. Wow, very beautiful illustrations, one can see that you're professional! I am very much looking forward to seeing more from you :)


Thank you so much for reading and your lovely feedback! I read each and every comment of yours. And please come back for more!
