Friday, June 1, 2012

"Flower Power" Fabric Project in Progress

Hey friends!
Remember the Fabric Project No.5?
When I woke up today, the day didn't look too promising or productive as the dark rainy clouds gathered outside my window. My mood wasn't to inspired until I entered my studio. I gazed at the bright cotton fabric I recently purchased, and I thought: "Let "Flower Power" take charge", and my thoughts were carried away to imaginary tropical flowering gardens. I started measuring, cutting and sewing with vigorous zeal. My gloomy mood was washed away with first rain drops on the glass window. I became inspired again.
Meanwhile, I snapped a couple of preview shots, and I can't wait to wear my new skirt this weekend.
Stay tuned for the Look of the Day post.

All images by DC2NYConfessions


  1. Awesome photos!! :))

    Happy weekend :)

    *INTERVIEW + GIVEAWAY* - now on my blog: my interview with designer + vegan-friendly handmade NEON clutch GIVEAWAY!!!

    just JE NE SAIS QUOI
    Independent Fashion Bloggers
    Follow my blog with Bloglovin

  2. love the fabric :)
    Love Lois xxx

  3. I love DIY post!!!
    I like your blog and follow you now via GFC!!! Very hope you do the same!!!
    Have a nice day!


Thank you so much for reading and your lovely feedback! I read each and every comment of yours. And please come back for more!
