Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fabric Project No.8. Work in progress

It's been a bit of a challenge to stay in my studio with the last month of summer...
Rather, I would enjoy the sun and outside warmth while it lasts.
Finally, I'm glad to be back to work, lay out the fabric and sharpen the scissors!

And here it is #FabricProject No.8 preview in progress.
The jersey drapes with ease and my beautiful dress is coming to life.
I'll post my look of the day by the end of this week.. promise.


  1. Looks like it's going to be a fabulous dress! The draping is lovely.

    Have a great weekend dear!
    Rowena @ rolala loves

  2. Это очень хорошо,что мы воплощаем в жизнь задуманное. Платье смотрится великолепно.Молодец!!!


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