Friday, November 1, 2013

Spain. Travel Diaries.

The silence on this blog has been finally broken. After months of hard work and barely seeing any computer, the urge of writing and blogging has returned.
 I flew across the ocean to Spain, with a meager knowledge about the land, and ambitious itinerary in hand. I feel proud to have crossed Spain from north to south, but today I'm only focusing on the first city I've visited, Barcelona. It's the city where traditional is fused into modern, or vice versa, where you can find some of the most outrageous architecture in the world, thanks to Antonio Gaudi, and the list goes on.
My first day was in the midst of city's festivities celebrating a local patron saint, and building human towers has been a lifelong tradition among Spaniards. City squares were full of tourists, hungry for unique experiences just like myself.

Barcelonetta, a local Barcelona beachfront, boasts a modern edge sculpture along  the walkway.

A city view from the church of the Sacred Family (Sagrada Familia) is truly stunning.

Gaudi was forever inspired by forms and shapes found in nature, and his masterpiece interior of Sagrada Familia represents trees, suns, and the light.

Just an hour drive from Barcelona is a beach-goers paradise: fresh Mediterranean air, clear sea water and soft sand.

Back in the city's hassle and bustle, we're in the middle of main street, La Rambla, where all the action takes place. Presentation of the day: Erotic Museum.

City view from the local park Montjuic is truly spectacular. Picture perfect. However, first, you need to climb the mountain to reach that view, it's up to you whether you want to climb on foot or use modern convenience.

Barcelona is a huge port. Views from the same mountain can bring out a lot of detail.

Now, back into the city, we relaxed and enjoyed the Magic Fountain at night, a light and music show in the city's largest fountain, near Placa Espanya.

Another Gaudi's treasure, Parc Guell, is located on the outskirts of the city, near the mountains. I felt like I walked into a fairy-tale dream, and even sat on the longest bench in  the world, decorated with mosaic from broken dinnerware.

All photos by DC2NYConfessions


  1. Welcome back! Thanks for sharing some of your adventures! The architecture in Barcelona looks seriously amazing!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  2. Acquiring a Emergency passport was a frustrating and eye-opening event I had to go through lately. When my passport was stolen while I was out of the country, I had to rush to the closest embassy for a replacement. Although it was a rigorous procedure (for obvious security reasons), it was surprisingly quick. The embassy personnel were helpful in assisting me with the application process and ensuring that I had all the essential documentation. It was a relief to see that they processed my application fast so that I could keep on with my trip. It shows how vital diplomatic missions and services are, particularly in times of crisis.


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